The Foundation’s mission

The purpose of the non-profit Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva (FCBG) is to operate the academic multidisciplinary research and competence center located at Genève-Sécheron.

Its legal mission allows the Foundation to undertake any action likely to further one or more of its aims, in particular :

  • To collaborate and enter into partnerships with its founding institutions, the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE), as well as with any other research institution in Switzerland or abroad, by supporting research projects conducted by these institutions or by forming research communities with them and other public or private institutions;
  • To support translational, collaborative and integrative research projects conducted under the aegis or with the support of the Wyss Center Foundation for Bio- and Neuro-engineering;
  • In the context of supporting research projects, to make research infrastructures, space, personnel and knowledge available to the institutions concerned and to research groups, free of charge or in return for payment, with a view to obtaining synergies between research projects and encouraging their transfer to industry;
  • Coordinate or manage translational, collaborative and integrative research projects in the field of bio- and neuro-engineering;
  • Make premises available to public or private companies in return for payment.



The Foundation Council is the supreme body of the Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva (FCBG). It is composed of representatives from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Canton of Geneva, and the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG).

The Bureau of the Foundation Council is responsible for the preparation and follow-up of the Foundation Council’s meetings and decisions. It acts as a link between the institutions and the Foundation’s bodies.

The Academic Council is responsible for coordinating and implementing the academic aspects of the institutions (UNIGE, EPFL, HUG) present at Campus Biotech.


Members of the Foundation Council

  • President : Audrey Leuba, Rector of UNIGE
  • Vice-president : Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, President of EPFL
  • Robert Mardini, CEO of HUG
  • Daniel Löffler, Deputy Secretary General DEE, Canton of Geneva

The Managing Director of FCBG participates in the meetings with a consultative vote. The Rector’s Chief of Staff and the operational directors of EPFL and UNIGE attend meetings as guests.


Members of the Bureau of the Foundation Council

  • Nicolas Durand, Managing Director FCBG
  • Lionel Cau, Operational Director UNIGE
  • Danielle Desravines, Operational Director EPFL Geneva
  • Stéphanie Lacour, President of the Academic Council


Members of the Academic Council

  • Stéphanie Lacour, EPFL (President of the Academic Council)
  • David Sander, UNIGE
  • Antoine Geissbuhler, HUG
  • Erwin Böttinger, Wyss Center for Bio- and Neuro-engineering (consulative vote)
  • Nicolas Durand, Managing Director FCBG (consulative vote)


  • Camilla Bellone, HUG
  • Olaf Blanke, EPFL